Welcome to the REINVENT project

REINVENT - MaRket dEsign INnoVation to support an integrated Belgian ENergy sysTem
36 months: October 2023 - September 2026


In 2030 and beyond, multiple energy carriers (electricity, gas, heat, green molecules) will play a role in an interconnected energy system. Increased electrification will support sector integration between end user segments. To benefit maximally from the advantages of sector coupling, a fundamental rethinking of market design, business models and financing models is needed.

The REINVENT project will support the following objectives with a combination of R&D (Digital Twin for sector coupling for Belgium) and relevant real-life test cases:

  • Define a unified and integrated vision on sector coupling for Belgium
  • Adaptations to market design to support sector coupling
  • Development of multi-carrier business models for both industrial and residential flexibility (focusing on energy communities)
  • Set of case studies/pilots that will calculate the feasibility of certain ‘sector coupling concepts’ or demonstrate specific multi-energy systems, both at the industrial and the built environment level.



REINVENT has 9 main objectives:

  1. Define a unified and integrated vision on sector coupling for Belgium
  2. Support the network operators’ integrated multi-energy expansion planning
  3. Ensure an efficient, stable and secure operation of the grid while maximally exploiting the synergies brought by increased sector coupling and energy system integration, at a minimum cost
  4. Increase of industrial flexibility through efficient industry-aware integration in flexibility procurement mechanisms
  5. Support the uptake of multi-carrier and multi-sector energy communities as enablers for investments in flexible assets to support the grid
  6. Support the development of novel cross-sectoral services and business models
  7. Support investment decisions by private sector in multi-energy projects
  8. Support development of digital solutions that facilitate consumer engagement
  9. Ensure wide adoption of developed REINVENT solutions

Project Approach

The REINVENT approach is based on 4 pillars and is a combination of 1) conceptual analysis, 2) sound modelling, 3) proofing of concepts by relevant test cases, and 3) an ambitious impact assessment and replication strategy.

The first pillar will analyse the role of different energy carriers (gas, power, heat, green molecules,…) in the Belgian energy mix. This includes the impact on infrastructure, market design and business models for different energy end user groups. Based on discussions with project partners and relevant stakeholders, different concepts for both supply-side and demand-side sector integration will be proposed. In addition to the operational implications of sector integration, the financial implications in terms of risk, return, and uncertainty will be analyzed.

The second pillar will develop the REINVENT modelling and simulation . This multi-sectoral simulation environment will capture the different dynamics of different carriers in multiple timeframes, for multiple scenarios, for multiple market design options, for multiple services, including different end-use sectors and different layers of the physical networks and their interconnection. Innovations modelled in REINVENT aim at the overarching goal of augmenting and realizing the potential of sector coupling in providing key flexibility, balancing, and adequacy services to the multi-energy system and the electric grid.

The third pillar will look at a selection of reference test cases that represent main use cases of sector coupling/integration. These applications will provide real data that allow proofing of the developed models in the second pillar. In addition, the models of the second pillar will provide necessary insights to the test cases about the impact of the REINVENT solutions on the operational and financial stability of the presented solution. The REINVENT test cases address different carriers, end user segments and applications and are selected based on the technologies and applications that will play a central role in a future integrated system but still face barriers today that hinder their expected breakthrough.

The fourth pillar will define a roadmap for improved sector coupling and sector integration for Belgium. This includes an impact assessment of a wide roll-out of the solutions for the Belgian energy system, in particular the implications for security of supply and system balancing.

Project Structure

Case Studies

The REINVENT project will look at a selection of reference test cases that represent main use cases of sector coupling/integration. These applications will provide real data that allow proofing of the developed models. In addition, the project activities will provide necessary insights to the test cases about the impact of alternative market design and business model options on the operational and financial stability of the case studies. 


Test Case 1 - Large scale E-mobility uptake B2C (Re.alto)

Test Case 2 - Green hydrogen for long haul     trucks (IDETA)

Test Case 3 - CollecThor (VITO)

Test Case 4 - Hybrid energy communities (RESCoop)

Test Case 5 - Large scale electrolysers (Virya Energy)

Test Case 6 - Business renewable energy communities (HospiGREEN) (IDETA)

Test Case 7 - Integrated energy systems for gas and electricity (Fluxys)

This project has received funding from Energy Transition Fund 2023 FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy.